During the webinar hosted by Du-Baladad and Associates, "Tax Maze: A Seminar on Ease of Paying Taxes and RMC 5-2024", Atty. Fulvio D. Dawilan, Managing Partner at BDB Law, provided an in-depth discussion on the Ease of Paying Taxes Act (EOPT). He highlighted its key provisions, the proposed implementing rules and regulations, and the significant impact the law is expected to have on simplifying tax compliance for both businesses and individuals. Atty. Irwin C. Nidea Jr., Senior Partner at BDB Law, shared his expertise on Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 5-2024, focusing on the taxation of cross-border transactions.
The seminar concluded with a Q&A portion, where attendees raised their questions on the topics discussed. The session, expertly moderated by Atty. Benedicta Du-Baladad, Founding Partner and CEO of BDB Law, facilitated an exchange of ideas and clarifications.
The BDB Law Webinar aims to assist taxpayers in navigating the evolving landscape of tax rules and regulations in the Philippines.