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vergara donato

Donato "Third" U. Vergara III
Senior Associate

Third is a lawyer by profession and a Senior Associate at Du-Baladad & Associates (BDB Law). He joined the firm in 2018, the same year he was admitted to the bar. His expertise encompasses taxation, litigation, and general corporate law.

Third specializes in tax litigation, adeptly handling assessments and claims for refunds for both local and multinational clients. He regularly represents clients before the Court of Tax Appeals and other regular courts.

In addition to his litigation practice, Third manages administrative protests and claims for refunds with various administrative bodies, including the Bureau of Internal Revenue and local government units. He also deals with requests for rulings and applications for tax treaty relief.

His corporate law services include company registration, mergers and acquisitions, dissolution, and other business-related legal requirements in the Philippines. His comprehensive knowledge allows him to address a wide range of tax and corporate law issues.

In his free time, Third is frequently invited to share his insights and knowledge at seminars hosted by various universities.

Areas of Practice
  • Tax Litigation
  • Tax Consulting and Advisory
  • Handling Tax Disputes, Protests, Requests for Rulings and Claims for Refunds
  • Tax Treaty Availment
  • Corporate Services
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
Sector Expertise
  • Oil and Gas
  • Power and Energy
  • Communications and Technology
  • Mining
  • Banking, Insurance and other financial institutions
Professional Certifications
  • Lawyer
  • Bachelor of Laws, Arellano University School of Law (2018)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, University of the Philippines – Diliman (2012)
Professional Qualifications and Memberships
  • Integrated Bar of the Philippines
  • Tax Management Association of the Philippines
Contact Information

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Landline: +63 2 403-2001 loc. 320